----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Scully <scullr@stjoelive.com>
To: Carl Marcus  <carl@capetowndiamond.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 11:09 AM
Subject: Reccomendation


I was pleased to return a call to a local fellow who was seeking a
recommendation for Capetown.  He wanted to know if what you advertized was

My reply was 3-fold:
a.  Yes the merchandise is genuine.  It is exactly what Carl Marcus says it
b.  Capetown holds a unique place.  You can purchase at full retail or you
can go to the Caribbean and purchase for far less at a duty-free shop.  But
the tariffs on a duty-free purchase would bring the price up considerable.
I told him that he could buy at Capetown and avoid sales tax and get a
watch, possibly a pre-owned watch for less than either full retail or duty
c. Having purchased a high-quality watch, one assumes a solemn obligation to
have it serviced every three or four years.  The service is expensive.   The
cost is equal to that of a really nice watch.  But you get a completely
overhauled and renewed top-of-the-line watch.

I hope that you and Rick Gilmore can do business.

And I hope that you and your family have a good Channukah and that Christmas
is good to you.

Your friend,

R. A. "Andy" Scully
St. Joseph, MO